Wednesday, October 3, 2018

"Never split the difference" ~ Chris Voss

"Every negotiation, every conversation, every moment of life, is a series of small conflicts that, managed well, can rise to creative beauty." I have never been one of those people who read any kind of motivational or self-improving books. But when I read the back cover of this one, I thought: "I need to buy this and read it!" At first one can think that a former FBI agent would be stuck with some really complicated and hard to follow tips and ideas on how to be a better negotiator. What we see in every american movie about all kind of agents and their negotiating techniques almost make us believe that this is a field reserved only for them and only in situations where crimes, hostages and criminals are involved. The surprise comes once you start reading. Mr Voss gives one such example with a highly tense situation and turns every aspect of it into a useful tool for your everyday experiences. At the end of every chapter, there is a list of every lesson you read in it. I found this kind of simple listing of his "lecture" so helpful and clear, that I even considered writing them down in my own notebook. You know...what you do after a day at class. This book gives you everything you need, to achieve everything you want in life through negotiating...the only catch is, that you need to be more courageous and prepare beforehand. Of course you will need some practice and yes, probably the first couple of times you will not entirely succeed (and this I say from my own experience) but if you really want it and really prepare and never doubt that you must receive what you deserve...the chances are on your side! In two sentences: If you want to apply the FBI negotiating techniques to your everyday problems, then this is the book for you. It covers everything...from family matter, through job issues, to big property deals.

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