Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dublin, Ireland

The Christ Church Cathedral

One of the biggest surprises to me personally. I fell in love with this city so hard, that this was probably the first time ever I was really sad to leave and to have to go back home. And it wasn't just because of the usual reasons like beautiful architecture, rich history, amazing views. No, not at all. Those responsible for my sadness for leaving were the extremely nice and sweet people and the whole mood that the city of Dublin has.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Porto, Portugal


A view to the Doro River

Oh, how lucky we were, having our Bnb right next to the Crystal Palace Gardens of Porto. 

At first we thought
Crystal Palace Gardens
we could spend some 30-45min time here before going to dinner and a couple of hours later we were still wandering around the many gardens, enjoying smart and beautiful arrangings, unseen plants and stone strucures. This place also offers a perfect view to the river and big parts of Porto.

One of the biggest surprises at the Gardens were actually its feathery habitants. There were hens and cocks loosely walking around, accompanying us on our walk. But still they were not the highlight of this place. That would be the freely walking around peacocks. There were os many of them, not bothered  at all of all the human visitors. That made us feel almost, as if we were at theirr home and had to be careful not to bother them too much.